The start of the entrepreneurial journey

You’ve been toying with an idea of your own business. You woke up one day and thought of quitting your job and you did it..

NO. It unfortunately doesn’t happen that way. You mull over the idea, second guess yourself and try each day to gather the strength to dive into your idea but the reality of life, your mortgage payments, rent, responsibilities, security and a 1 million excuses and reasons pop into your head. Its very natural. You are not alone in feeling this way if you are experiencing it. As women we doubt our capabilities and second guess ourselves a lot more than men. There is a reason cause we play so many different roles in our life that we have to think about each one of those.

Anyways, you will reach a point where you hate your job or its just too toxic to continue or life will throw something at you and you’ll have to switch courses and one day you will take the plunge into entrepreneurship if that is where your heart is.

The hardest part is making this change. It really is. If you are struggling with this, it will come to you one day and if it doesn’t, that is ok too. There are many side hustles you can take on to feed your entrepreneurial spirit. I am sure you can get a few ideas from members in this group.


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