Spring and being outdoors: Barefoot!

After the dreary winter, we all have so many expectations from Spring.

Spring can’t go wrong cause there are just so many people counting on it but it has delivered. For me, it has. I hear the birds chirping, the sun shining and I am able to go sit on my swing in the backyard patio and drink my cup of tea. I have my special moment again. I am struggling to find those moments and I am thankful to have one now.

I also enjoy walking barefoot on grass. You should try it. There are plenty of articles which talk about the benefits of “Earthing”. Our bodies need to connect to the earth and how often do we do that?

Start a new ritual with me. Walk on grass barefoot for a few minutes each day or even sit on a chair and let you feet sink into the grass and the dirt!

Report back here if you’d like. Its always nice to hear from you so comment down below.


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